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Over Adaption or The Philosophy of Regeneration

Let’s talk about Chinese Medical Knowledge History for a moment.

The Chinese as a culture have experimented with and documented over 5000 yrs of trial and errors with what food grade and medicinal qualities of plants or herbs do in and upon the surface of the human body. They actually have millions of scrolls and books dating back up to 5000 yrs in the handwriting of their original authors as these explorations were happening in real time!

In their experiments, they realized there are 2 classes of herbs or plants that can be useful to humans.

The first is Food Grade.

Food Grade herbs or plants can only nourish the body. Meaning supply the organic or living instructions and raw materials our tongues and other glandular organs read the energetic and genetic signatures of as they get chewed and exposed to the taste buds, the lining of the mouth and gums - all hard wired directly to the brain by a large nerve network that goes into the bottom of each tooth in our mouth.

The second category of plants are called Medicinal Herbs.

Medicinal Herbs either stimulate or sedate cells and systems of our bodies. They cannot nourish.

Medicinals are purely for crisis intervention purposes and were the original sources of most modern drugs.

The Pharmaceutical industry cannot patent already living natural organisms including plants. Thus their ability to capture a given stimulating or sedating effect upon a given symptom pattern to profit from having the only solution to alleviate the symptom pattern is almost non existent if they have to rely upon natural solutions.

This is why the pharmaceutical industry seeks to identify the “Isolated Ingredient” in the herb to make pill or potion to administer to symptomatic humans so they can charge exorbitant amounts of money for chemicals that include extravagant and even deadly side effects the original herb does not.

There is a deeper side to herbology than all this to consider though.

A truly well fed, rested, rigorously exercised human will not get sick!

The body is designed to heal and balance itself if given the right combinations of raw, whole, living foods that its tongue recognizes as innate food for the optimization of human systems.

Western Science is just beginning to recognized things like Innate Intelligence, the intelligence that orchestrates the trillions of biochemical transactions that happen millions of times per second from the time we are conceived to our last breath of this lifetime.

Western Science is slowly peeping over the horizon of what we so called Extreme Athletes have known since forever: That the body is designed to over adapt for longer along the human lifetime than has been previously proposed if its given its species specific living foods diet of primarily water rich, sweet, ripe fruits supplemented with occasional meals of the softer fiber in composition, more water rich and sweeter varieties of greens and vegetables either eaten solo or in salads of not too many different combinations that require significantly different digestive juices and digestion time or duration of time to render absorbable.

These very simple and easy to digest in their raw form foods that our tongues naturally sense as desirable as is, contain everything we need to both supply our bodies with all the raw ingredients needed to build strong, lean tissues and they also produce very little unusable left over toxic matter nor require a ton of bodily resources to digest and move through the digestive tract,

Here’s a simple test to see what a human is naturally wired to eat almost right out of the wrapper so to speak…

Take a just crawling - teething toddler and place it in an enclose play pen.

Inside the play pen put a pile of raw seeds, a pile of raw grains, a pile of raw nuts, a pile of raw greens, a pile of raw veggies, a pile of raw cuts of fruits, a pile of raw cuts of meat.

Watch the child sort through which foods are a red flag to its tongue which is natures “Gate Keeper” for what’s for us vs toxic or useless to us and spits out everything until it gets to the fruits of which it goes to town so to speak!

Nature has NO LIE in it! Nature has had millions of years to work out perfection for all its creatures in regard to their ideal food choices.

How do we know that humans are not natural carnivores?

Take away all technology and give us only our meat suits. What can we catch and eat as it is without risking salmonella or ecolli poisoning without fire? Or the high likelihood of ingestion of parasites or other pathogens that rapidly multiply in all animals once their immune system is destroyed through death and dying?

Humans are not only the only creatures on Earth that believe they need to expose their food choices to fire to render it safe to eat and or edible. That’s a red flag!

We are also the only species that believes its somehow healthy to hide to fowl or unattractive taste of our misaligned food like choices with minerals and plant extracts. That’s another red flag!

True carnivores have night vision. We don't!

True carnivores have snouts so they can insert their mouth into the body cavity of dead animals and feast upon the animals guts first while still able to periscopically look around for other potential carnivores that might want to make them desert after they jump the feeder from behind to steal its meal.

Humans, if we could stomach burying our faces into the guts and feces of a dead animal would be ass to the breeze exposed and completely blind to true carnivores that approached from any direction as we crouched down gnawing on gore and stench.

Never mind that even a starving human would likely throw up during any attempt to bury their faces in potentially maggot infested disemboweled corpses.

Whereas a true carnivore would be salivating at the sight, smell and taste!

True Carnivores saliva is acidic. Ours is slightly alkaline.

True Carnivores produce huge amounts of hydrochloric acid to digest not just raw muscle but bones, teeth, hair, skin, ligaments and everything else a corpse contains - maggots!

We produce only small amounts.

True Carnivores have very short digestive tracts - even an 800 lb bear has only about 8 feet of intestine. They eat the bones and even the teeth of their kills to help neutralize some the acidic effects of eating high meat or all meat diet.

We as normal sized adults - male or female have between 20 and 30 feet of intestines! Most everywhere in our bodies is slightly alkaline in pH and anywhere that becomes chronically too acidic in pH becomes a breeding ground for bad bacterias and diseased conditions including cancer.

We have color vision to decree ripe from unripe fruits.

True carnivores have black and white vision.

NO one would argue that a domestic dog would thrive upon the same things a wolf thrives upon and they share 99.9% of their DNA as the same.

Humans are 99.6% the same genetic makeup as Gorillas, Banobo Chimpanzees and Orangutans. Yet look at what these primates eat as their optimal diet and what humans have technologically tried to co-op!

All of our cousins are far stronger than we are and more muscular. I wonder where they get their proteins from?

More on this topic to come.

Question all you’ve been sold!

In a capitalistic realm as we have all grown up inside, you will never be told anything that keeps your attached to, trusting in, or knowledgable in Nature or what’s natural, innate and healthy.

You will only be told and sold on what’s based on mans extremely limited understanding of nature AKA ones own self and selfs Avatar like meat suit for doing life!

In other words… Just about everything you’ve been told about how your body works, its depth of intelligence, its ability to heal and balance itself, its ability to over adapt and regenerate itself has been edited out on purpose.

The reason being that an ignorant person is easy to exploit and manipulate and can be sold just about anything if you can keep the hypnosis piled on continuously.

Question Everything…. Your Body Knows… Knowing is it’s true language!


More to come