Who Am I?

As a toddler, my mom said I was not ready to learn how to walk at 18 months into occupying my human shaped Avatar Earth Suit.

However I’d crawl the 20 odd feet out from Grand Mom’s front porch to a railroad track embankment, to get to a rusted 12 inch wheeled bicycle with no rubber on the rims, no pedals, no chain, and no seat. I figured out how to get it up off the ground while bracing myself to be the other leg of a triangle with Mother Earth being the bottom.

She told of how I’d push the little bike up the embankment, then lean against the top tube and kind of half sit and half drag my feet side saddle riding the
tireless” contraption back down the embankment.

At the bottom, the bike and I would both fall over and I’d get back to my hands and knees, crawl to the fallen heap, get us upright and do this all over again,,, and again… and again until I was tired.

Then I’d crawl on back to the steps of my grandmothers porch and crawl back to my Mom where she’d take me in and give me a bath in #5 round metal bath pan of water warmed up on a big black wood fired cooking stove in my grandmothers kitchen.

Since those days, I have logged a bit over 924,000 human powered miles after 66 laps around the “Sky Clock” ☀️

I suppose I do actually have a passion for “Land Surfing” as I’ve come to see it!

The below picture is of my Catrike 700 a couple of months after I got it in December 2022 as I’d begun to customize it.

Another characteristic of mine is that I learn by doing and not so much by reading although I am a very fast speed reader with unexplainable comprehension abilities and can explain complex topics in ways anyone can understand (according to everyone that’s spent any time with me!)

More on the personality I was born with below.

In Personality Testing Spectrums I operate within what’s called the INFP-A spectrum.

An INFP-A is a personality type identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). "INFP" stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving, while the "A" indicates that the individual has traits associated with assertiveness. Here's a breakdown of what these traits mean:

1. **Introverted (I):** INFPs tend to be introverted, which means they often feel energized by spending time alone or with a small group of close friends. They may find social interactions draining and require solitude to recharge.

2. **Intuitive (N):** The intuitive aspect implies that INFPs rely on their intuition and imagination to understand the world. They are often future-oriented, focusing on possibilities and abstract concepts.

3. **Feeling (F):** INFPs make decisions based on their feelings and values. They are empathetic and compassionate, prioritizing harmony and the well-being of others. They may struggle with making tough, logical decisions when they conflict with their personal values.

4. **Perceiving (P):** INFPs are often spontaneous and open to new information. They prefer to go with the flow and adapt to changing circumstances rather than following a rigid plan.

5. **Assertive (A):** The "A" indicates that the individual exhibits assertive traits. Assertiveness in the context of the MBTI means that the person is more confident, self-assured, and less prone to stress or anxiety. INFP-As are often seen as more stable and less reactive to external pressures.

INFP-A personalities are often described as idealistic, creative, and caring individuals who are driven by their deep values. They may pursue careers in creative fields, social work, counseling, or other areas where they can make a positive impact on the world. Their assertive nature can help them handle challenges and stress more effectively than their INFP-T (Turbulent) counterparts. However, it's important to remember that personality types provide a broad framework, and individual personalities can vary greatly within a given type.

I am also working on coding my own personality type test to include in this site so all of you can know what your innate or indigenous personality is and how it works.

One of my favorite moments is when someone tells their actual personality type so I can know with high certainty how they interface and process their journey through life vs how I do and get to practice speaking another’s inner language and the experiencing the resulting soul deep connection we both feel from the connection and resonance.

To New Friendships and for those of you that I’ve already friended in person or online… To the expansion in width and depth of our connection.

To our Long Rides and lapping Tail Winds….

Erskien Lenier


Picture below is the above Catrike 700 climbing up to Onxy Summit and on to Big Bear city - lake resort from where I live at about 750 ft altitude to 10,200 ft altitude for a blazing descent back down to “The Inland Empire” at speeds in excess of 50 mph allowing me to pass cars and trucks of whom many smelled of overheated brakes.